If you have been diagnosed with a medical condition that affects your mobility, you may qualify for a Quantum® Power Chair.
If you qualify, Quantum offers various mobility solutions to meet your needs, including the Edge 3 Stretto, 4Front® 2, iLevel® technology and the Quantum backup camera.
Learn more about the backup camera
To find out if you qualify for a power wheelchair, please schedule a face-to-face visit with your doctor or physical therapist. They will conduct an in-person evaluation to determine if a complex rehab technology product would benefit you. They may write you a prescription for a power wheelchair. The clinician may also take measurements of your body to determine power wheelchair seat width and depth, length of footplates, and much more.
Use our Quantum Provider Locator to find a local Quantum dealer near you. Your therapist may work with an Assistive Technology Professional (ATP) who works for the authorized Quantum provider. ATPs are certified through RESNA (Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America). Together, the therapist and ATP determine which motorized wheelchair and components benefit you the most.
Your Quantum provider also works with you regarding your insurance, Medicare and Medicaid coverage of your power wheelchair.
Once the power wheelchair is ordered and delivered to your provider, you also need to be fitted in your electric wheelchair. A fitting is important because an improperly fitted electric wheelchair can cause problems with a person’s breathing, swallowing, skin integrity and digestion. The ATP evaluates the seat depth, seat width, seat height, backrest width, backrest height and armrest height. Adjustments may be needed to ensure your proper positioning and comfort level. The ATP also checks to make sure the correct power wheelchair components were ordered and delivered, and that all components operate correctly.
During your fitting, the ATP also teaches you how to properly operate and maintain your electric wheelchair. This overview should be more than just reviewing the owner’s manual for your wheelchair. The ATP should work with you to ensure you are positioned correctly and able to comfortably drive the power wheelchair and operate its features. You should understand how often to charge the batteries on your electric wheelchair, how to clean it, and when to contact your provider for maintenance.