Brianna Pieck

"The iLevel really comes in handy at concert events. The chair also has a softer suspension, so going over lawns is easier on my neck and spine."

Brianna Pieck, Prairie du Chien, WI

Brianna Pieck: Living with an Attitude of Gratitude

With her iLevel® Power Chair, Brianna Pieck elevates above crowds to complete her work as a video journalist and relies on her chair to get around town.

When it comes to living her life, Brianna Pieck firmly believes in maintaining an attitude of gratitude.

“I thrive even when I’m feeling at my worst. I choose not to let things get me down or keep me down long,” Brianna said.

After a long battle with a nerve disease in her leg and spinal issues, Brianna began using a Quantum Power Chair. Even before her diagnosis, Brianna was no stranger to spinal cord injuries. Her uncle was a quadriplegic, and she served as his spinal injury nurse for 21 years. Though even after all the things her uncle taught her, Brianna feels that nothing could have truly prepared her for becoming a power chair user herself.

“I landed in a power chair after fighting with myself and not accepting many things, but looking back, it was the best thing I could have done,” Brianna said.

Brianna resides in Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin, and currently uses a Q6 Edge® 2.0 with iLevel®.

“The chair rises like I’m on a cushion on air,” Brianna said. “It also has a softer suspension, so going over lawns is easier on my neck and spine.”

A video journalist, Brianna is an advocate in many areas, but she likes to focus on being a disability advocate. She uses her chair as a primary means of transportation in her small town.

“When people ask me about my chair, I tell them how durable it has been for me,” Brianna said.

Even when surrounded by a sea of people, Brianna can complete her video work. She has filmed several protests. iLevel helps her rise above the crowds and aim her camera down using camera sticks and tripods.

“The iLevel really comes in handy at concert events. I’m able to get close to the front and capture video and still shots,” Brianna said.

Her iLevel Power Chair also helps Brianna complete yardwork and other chores around her home. Yet, her greatest accomplishment is living life on life’s terms. With so much hope, she aspires to become a motivational speaker one day.

“I celebrate each day, accepting the good and the bad and making the very best of it!” Brianna said.

Read more Journeys to Independence
