Individuals living with cerebral palsy may face mobility issues due to their condition. As cerebral palsy manifests in different ways, adults living with cerebral palsy may vary in the severity of their symptoms. Some individuals living with cerebral palsy may have only a minor gait impairment and don’t need assistance. Others may use a walker or cane. For those with more severe symptoms, there are wheelchairs for cerebral palsy adults to provide greater mobility and independence. Read on for more information on Quantum® mobility solutions that can meet your needs.
Quantum offers many mobility solutions for cerebral palsy patients. In addition to wheelchairs for cerebral palsy adults, Quantum offers a wide range of positioning, seating, electronics and wheelchair cushions to meet the needs of an individual. A customized seating system can be developed to compensate for an individual’s asymmetries, manage tone and provide proper stability and support, as well as pressure management. The Edge 3 Wheelchair provides the most advanced power chair experience ever for adults living with cerebral palsy. With upgraded SRS (Smooth Ride Suspension) for enhanced stability, the Edge 3 Motorized Wheelchair is an ideal choice. Standard features include a USB charger, drive wheel color accents and front and rear LED fender lights. With greater visibility, cerebral palsy patients can see and be seen in low-light environments.
To help individuals who struggle with mobility due to cerebral palsy, Quantum offers iLevel® Power Adjustable Seat Height, which is available as an option on the Edge 3 Motorized Wheelchair. With iLevel, the user can elevate up to 12 inches while driving at 4.5 mph, allowing them to safely cross streets and parking lots. iLevel has Extra Stability Technology® to enhance safety for Mobility Related Activities of Daily Living (MRADLs), including cooking, grooming, toileting, reaching and transferring. If you are living with cerebral palsy and need a power wheelchair, iLevel can help you reach things on higher shelves while grocery shopping, navigate through crowds, or enable you to walk arm-in-arm with your partner. Discover the benefits of motorized wheelchairs with iLevel.
If you are ready to begin the process of obtaining a power wheelchair, you need to schedule a face-to-face examination with your doctor or physical therapist. This in-person evaluation determines whether you qualify for a complex rehab wheelchair. If you qualify, your doctor or physical therapist writes a prescription. Make sure the prescription and any other required information is sent to a local authorized Quantum Durable Medical Equipment (DME) provider. Your therapist works with the Assistive Technology Professional (ATP) that works for the provider to select an appropriate wheelchair based on your medical needs. Learn more on purchasing a power wheelchair.
With so many benefits to iLevel, it’s important to receive funding for this life-changing technology. Many insurers recognize the quality-of-life benefits that iLevel provides. If you encounter funding obstacles, there are options available to you. If your insurance company denies your request for a power wheelchair with iLevel, you have appeal rights. Make sure your insurance explains why your request for iLevel was denied, as it is possible they did not receive enough information explaining how iLevel benefits you. Get more information on funding for iLevel Power Chairs.